Repairing Your Car's Damaged Windows Is Extremely Important, Both For Safety And Financial Reasons

Repairing Your Car's Damaged Windows Is Extremely Important, Both For Safety And Financial Reasons

Repairing Your Car's Damaged Windows Is Extremely Important, Both For Safety And Financial Reasons

22 June 2018
, Blog

While your car's windshields are relatively simple components, they're also extremely important when it comes to keeping you and your passengers safe. Damaged windows can lead to all sorts of issues down the road, up to and including catastrophic accidents. If any of your windows become cracked or damaged, you should have them repaired or replaced immediately.

Your Front Windshield Keeps You Safe

A damaged front windshield can be extremely dangerous to yourself and other drivers. Cracks that obscure your vision make you more likely to run into other cars and cause an accident. Severe cracks can even cause your windshield to shatter unexpectedly if it is hit by road debris. The results of a shattered windshield can be disastrous, especially if it occurs while you're traveling at high speeds on the freeway.

You Can Be Ticketed or Impounded

Considering those facts, it's understandable that you can be ticketed for driving around with a damaged windshield. You may be let off with a warning if the damage is minor, but if your windshield is extremely cracked, your car can be impounded until you install new glass. In that case, you'll be paying costly fines and impound fees on top of the price of a new window.

That's why you should have your windshield repaired immediately when any damage occurs. For one, repairing damage quickly saves you the risk of receiving costly tickets and fines. More importantly, it ensures that you and your passengers are much safer during your commutes. If you're pressed for time, you don't even have to take your car to the shop to have your windshield repaired or replaced. Contact a mobile windshield repair surface, and they'll come perform the work wherever you park your car at the most convenient time to you.

A Small Crack Can Go a Long Way

Having your damaged windshield repaired immediately can also save you money in the long run. Even minor cracks can make your entire windshield brittle. They can unexpectedly turn into huge spiderweb fractures that blind you or even cause your windshield to shatter entirely in extreme circumstances.

Windshields are crafted as single pieces of glass to be rigid and airtight. A small crack may not look like much, but it compromises the glass's crystalline structure and can drastically lower the structural integrity of the area surrounding the crack. If you're unlucky and a large rock or piece of road debris happens to strike your windshield near the crack, the glass is much more likely to shatter. At the very least, that means you'll be paying for an entire new window instead of a relatively cheap repair. At worst, that can lead to you having a wreck.

Small cracks are especially problematic in cold climates. During the day, when the temperature rises above freezing, moisture can collect inside of the crack. Then, when it drops below freezing at night, the moisture will turn to ice, causing it to expand. That expansion can turn a tiny crack into a huge spiderweb fracture over night.

Don't Forget Your Side and Rear Windows

Cracks in your side and rear windows also pose a threat to your safety and your wallet. While not as dangerous as a damaged front windshield, cracks in your side and rear windows can obstruct your ability to properly see your blindspots. That will make changing lanes on the highway much more stressful and dangerous.

Additionally, just like with your front windshield, small cracks in your side and rear windows can lead to much more extensive damage down the road due to debris and freezing temperatures. It's much smarter financially to have any cracks sealed immediately before they expand and lead to costly replacement bills.

About Me
Maintaining My Vehicle

It isn't always easy to know how to keep your car in great condition, but a few years back, I realized that there were a lot of resources I hadn't taken advantage of yet. I realized that there were some business that offered mobile repair, including glass companies. The next time I got a chip in my windshield, I contacted one of the companies for help, and they were amazing to work with. They came to my work, met me in the parking lot, and worked hard to correct the issue. This blog is all about maintaining your car quickly and easily.
